Oscar Flores paper accepted for publication

Oscar Flores, Economics, had the paper “The unemployment-vacancy relationship in a local labor market” accepted for publication in the journal The Empirical Economic Letters. In this paper, Flores identifies a decrease in structural and frictional unemployment in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Statistical Area from 1992 to 2001. Structural unemployment occurs due to a mismatch between the skills companies want and those […]

University Honors Program Lecture Series resumes

The University Honors Program invites everyone to the Fall 2010 lecture series. The schedule for the lectures are as follows: September 23 Denise Gorsline Dean of the MSUM University College “Lady GaGa, Katy Perry, and Jersey Shore; What in the World do these have to do with Your Future?” 7:30 p.m. CB 109

Economics students commit to grad schools, internships

The following 2010 Economics graduates have committed to the following graduate schools: Jena Thompson – Purdue University, full tuition and scholarship; Clay Kramer – University of Illinois, full tuition and scholarship; Mark Frenzel – Claremont Graduate School, scholarship; Alex Kangas – University of Utah; and James Teigland – William Mitchell Law School. Student Isaac Thomas will complete an internship in China with Shineray Motorcycyles, the first international internship completed by an MSUM student.

Interview schedule for Dean of University College finalists

Three finalists for the position of Dean of University College are scheduled to hold open forums for the MSUM community. The forums are scheduled for May 6 and May 7 and all members of the MSUM community are invited to attend. These forums are an opportunity to learn more about the finalists and to submit comments on their qualifications to the search committee. The Dean of University College will play a key role in leading the following: Corrick Center, Dragon Core and its assessment, Writing Intensive Program, First Year Seminar, Learning Communities, Honors, Academic Programs for Undecided Students, University Studies, Personal Development courses, and Service Learning. Click headline for interview schedule.

Used Cell Phone Donation

The MSUM Economics Society and Soroptimist International of Moorhead are sponsoring a cell phone drive for the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center. The Center is able to re-program cell phones for access to 911. This free program gives women leaving an abusive situtation continuous access to the police. Please donate your used cell phone to help women in need! A drop box is located in the Economics Department office, MA 380.