MSUM celebrates Black History Month honoring Professor Emeritus Dr. Yvonne Condell

Minnesota State University Moorhead is proud to honor Professor Emeritus Dr. Yvonne Condell during its Black History Month celebration. A revered educator, mentor, and advocate, Dr. Condell dedicated her career to advancing knowledge, equity, and opportunity in science and education. The event, “Dr. Yvonne Condell: A Legacy of Knowledge, Advocacy, and African American Progress,” will be held Thursday, Feb. 27, […]

Freeman-ASIA Scholarship Applications Now Open!

The Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA) program provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. The program’s goal is to increase the number of U.S. citizens and permanent residents with first-hand exposure to and understanding of Asia and its peoples and cultures. Applications for Academic Year 2025-2026 are […]

REMINDER: D Smoke: Live in Concert; free to MSUM students

Thursday, Feb. 6 | 7 p.m. | Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gaede Stage Daniel “D Smoke” Farris is a three-time GRAMMY-nominated musician, actor, and author, who gained global notoriety in 2019 as the champion and undisputed breakout star of Netflix’s Rhythm + Flow. He showcased himself as a raw lyricist, classically trained musician, and cultural activist with “something […]

Reminder: Globally respected equity advocate Marvis Kilgore to speak on freedom, justice, and democracy

Wednesday, Jan. 22 | 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Christianson Alumni Center Barry Auditorium Globally respected equity educator and advocate Marvis Kilgore will explore how Martin Luther King Jr.’s principles of nonviolence remain essential in today’s world in his talk titled, “Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence.”  Bring your brown bag lunch to […]