Philosophy Colloquium Series

Dr. Ted Gracyk, Philosophy, will present a colloquium Wednesday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. (Langseth Hall 118 (Science Lecture Room)). His topic is “Audiences, Performances, and Virtual Performances.” The following is the abstract of his paper: Although painters create paintings with the intention that they will be viewed, and composers create music with the intention that it will be heard, […]

Dr. Severson and Dr. Suarez-Sousa attend AACTE meeting and conference

Dr. Sue Severson and Dr. Ximena Suarez-Sousa from the School of Teaching and Learning attended the Annual Meeting and Conference of the American Association of College for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Indianapolis, March 1-3. They focused their attendance on meetings and presentations pertaining to teacher education accreditation including sessions that addressed data gathering and analysis, program evaluation, and new CAEP standards.

Economics Department involved in Winter Institute

Economics faculty member, Dr. Gregory Stutes, and six members of the Economic Society student organization (Fanuel Asrat, Kofi Boadu, Cody Brandt, Jed Eix, Jasmin Lam, and Taylor Rodriguez) attended the 52nd Winter Institute in St. Cloud February 12-13. Dr. Stutes presented a workshop for high school economics teachers, “Technology, the Lemonade Stand, and Economics.”

Dr. Conteh and Dr. Roberts attended Global Pedagogy Symposium

Dr. Andrew Conteh, Political Science, and Dr. Bruce Roberts, Anthropology/Earth Science, represented MSUM at the Global Pedagogy Symposium at St. Cloud State University February 28 – March 1. The goal of this forum was to facilitate the exchange of ideas and insights into what works well in teaching about global issues. Sponsored by the Global Studies Program at St. Cloud […]