MSUM Hosted Boy Scouts for “Merit Badge University”

Close to 200 Boy Scouts converged on the MSUM campus Saturday, Nov. 23 to work on merit badges. Named the “Merit Badge University” this is an event held annually at one of the three universities in the area to give scouts work on the badges that assist them in their trail toward the Eagle Rank. Merit badges represent skill or […]

Twenty-one students selected for membership to Chi Omega Chapter

Twenty-one new members have been selected for membership to the Chi Omega Chapter of Phi Alpha, the Social Work International Honor Society. Members celebrated with an induction ceremony and reception on Nov. 20 with family, friends, and faculty. The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals […]

SLHS graduate students and faculty present at national conference

Nov. 14-16, the following students and faculty presented research at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention in Chicago: Nancy Paul and Mary Drake, faculty *Issues Related to Community Memory Screenings Richard Adler with the following graduate student researchers: -Arica Flach, * Certified Nursing Assistants’ Knowledge of Swallowing Disorders for Assistance to SLPs -Gretta Hjelseth, * University Clinical Supervisors’ Role in the […]

Spotlight on Service-Learning

This is the first of what will become monthly segments entitled Spotlight on Service-Learning. Each monthly Spotlight will highlight the endeavors of one of the many MSUM service-learning practitioners. This Month’s Spotlight on Service-Learning recognizes Dr. Sue Humphers-Ginther. Humphers-Ginther was recently interviewed regarding her service-learning work. Humphers-Ginther is a Professor of Sociology and the Gerontology Program Coordinator here at MSUM. […]