Business School Foreign Exchange

The School of Business has initiated an exchange program with Shanghai Finance University. To date, the exchange has included MSUM student online collaboration and video-conferencing with students from Shanghai Finance University. The program has also included a faculty exchange in early 2013 with prospects for more. For more information contact Peter Geib, School of Business.

Project management: A pathway to managing your future

MSUM is proud to announce a new degree being launched in Spring 2014: Bachelor of Science in Project Management. Through a collaborative effort between the Operation/Construction Management departments and College of Business and Innovation, the first B.S. program for Project Management in the tri-state area will be offered here at MSUM. By being designed around pairing with a minor or […]

Vinod Lall appointed to APICS CSCP subcommittee

Vinod Lall, Professor in the School of Business, was recently appointed to the APICS CSCP program subcommittee. APICS, The Association for Operations Management is the global leader and the premier source of the body of knowledge in operations management, including production, inventory, supply chain, purchasing and logistics. The Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) program is the most widely recognized educational […]