CMU spring break hours
The CMU Spring Break hours may be viewed at:
The CMU Spring Break hours may be viewed at:
The Comstock Memorial Union is conducting a very brief survey, and your response would be greatly appreciated. As a thank you for participating in our survey and helping us to get the word out about the Comstock Memorial Union’s event conferencing capabilities, your name will go into a drawing for one of three $10 uCuisine Cards to be used in any food service location on campus. Please respond by February 12. Together we can grow our Conference and Event Services, which ultimately benefits our entire campus community! Follow this link to take the survey:
The Comstock Memorial Union is conducting a brief survey, and your response would be greatly appreciated. As a thank you for participating in our survey and helping us to get the word out about the CMU’s event conferencing capabilities, your name will go into a drawing for one of three $10 gift cards for Union City. Please respond by February 12. Follow this link to take the survey: Together we can grow our Conference and Event Services, which ultimately benefits our entire campus community!
A sweater vendor is set up in the CMU Main Lounge through Friday. He has a variety of items for sale, not just sweaters.
Trashed by Wendi Fox TODAY, September 15, 2009 9:00 PM in Hansen Theatre Fox is an inspirational comedian and former high risk drinker. Drawing from her own personal experiences in growing up in an alcoholic environment, Fox uses humor to shed light on the dangers of alcohol abuse. In her show, Fox shares her thoughts, feelings, and opinions on subjects […]