Kevin Carollo’s new hybrid memoir restores faith in humanity one mile at a time

The book’s format looks like a running log but reads like a conversation with a dear friend with memories, facts and poetry blended together By Brandi Malarkey, Special to The Arts Partnership Like so many of us, when COVID-19 hit in 2020, writer, accomplished distance runner and MSUM English Professor Kevin Carollo’s plans went awry. Instead of spending several months of […]

MSUM StartupBrew Takeover was a Success

Thank you to all Dragon faculty, staff, students and alumni who helped make MSUM’s StartupBrew takeover a success. We saw RED! Graphic communications alum and inventor/founder of the Kid Caddie Ben Fairbanks and communication studies alum and co-founder of The Plant Supply Jordan Maahs shared their stories of entrepreneurship and inspiration. Thank you to Dr. Michael Johnson and members of the […]