
Brian Wisenden (Biosciences Department) and Ananda Shastri (Physics and Astronomy Department) published a peer-reviewed research paper in Behavioural Processes with four MSUM undergraduates Alex Seigel, Izzy DeVriendt, Savannah Hohenstein and Mark Lueders. The citation for research paper is: Seigel AR, DeVriendt IG, Hohenstein SJ, Lueders MB, Shastri A, Wisenden BD. 2021. Tone deaf: association of an auditory stimulus with predation […]

Pandey and Wisenden publish review on ecoimmunology

Sumali Pandey, Brian Wisenden, both from the Biosciences Department, along with two collaborators from NDSU, Craig Stockwell and Madison Snider, published a review paper this month in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. The title of the paper is Epidermal club cells in fishes: a case for ecoimmunological analysis. The paper is available for download here:

Pandey and Wisenden publish on curriculum standardization of immunology courses

Sumali Pandey and Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a paper in a peer-reviewed journal. This paper resulted from a multi-institutional collaboration organized by Dr. Pandey to survey topics and concepts currently taught in undergraduate immunology courses with the goal of reaching consensus on common curricular standards across the USA. The article citation is: Bruns HA, Wisenden BD, Vanniasinkam T, Taylor […]

Goldwater Scholarship Nominees

Congratulations to 2021 Goldwater Scholarship nominees, Aujanae Eubanks (Psychology), Bridgett Grosz (Geosciences), Carlan Haugrud (Health and Medical Sciences), and Anna Madsen (Biochemistry & Biotechnology and Cellular & Molecular Biology). The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program is a nationally recognized and prestigious program designed to provide support to highly qualified students who are planning on pursuing careers in science, math and […]

Pandey, Wisenden and undergraduate students publish research from MSUM lab

Sumali Pandey, Biosciences Department, published research from her lab entitled “Factors Contributing to Sex Differences in MiceInhaling Aspergillus fumigatus,” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, with MSUM undergraduate students Andrea Schaefer, Mai Ceesay, Jennicca Leier, and Jacob Tesch. Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) is also a coauthor on the publication. This research was funded by a $25k grant […]