Biosciences faculty member gives his 200th presentation

Brian Wisenden, Biosciences, gave the 200th presentation of his career when he delivered an invited keynote address to the Society of Experimental Biology, in Salzburg, Austria on June 30, 2012. His talk was entitled “Behavioural responses of aquatic organisms to chemical information about predation risk.” Almost all of the research presented in the talk was conducted by undergraduates.

College of Social and Natural Sciences presents fall student research awards

The College of Social and Natural Sciences awarded Fall Student Research Awards to support student research for majors in the College. Member sof the College’s Student Advisory Board reviewed applications and made the final determination of grant recipients. All projects are endorsed by a faculty supervisor, and applicants must be willing to present her/his research results at the MSUM Student […]

Bioscience students publish their research in international peer-reviewed journal

Bioscience graduates Cory Sailer and Sonny Radenic, both 2011, and Bioscience student Randy Sutrisno received final acceptance for publication for their research paper entitled “Maternal effects and exploratory-boldness behavioural syndrome in zebrafish.” The research was supervised by Brian Wisenden. Thus far, 62 undergraduates have co-authored peer-reviewed research papers with Wisenden.