Immunology Education takes center stage!

Immunology education has become increasingly important in recent times. Dr. Sumali Pandey joined her collaborator Dr. Philip Mixter (Washington State University) and Immune 60 podcast hosts Dr. Vincent Racaniello (Columbia University), Dr. Cynthia Leifer (Cornell University), Dr. Steph Langel (Case Western Reserve University) and Dr. Brianne Barker (Drew University) to share her NSF funded work with ImmunoReach (the Research Coordination Network), […]

MSUM students share love of astronomy with hundreds of visitors at Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Six MSUM students volunteered at the 10th annual Dakota Nights astronomy festival at Theodore Roosevelt National Park Sep 16-18, 2022. They set up several telescope for evening star viewing and gave visual tours of the constellations using laser pointers. Five of the students, Alex Niemi, Emily Watson, Izzy DiOrio, Mara DeRung, and Tanner Weyer, have majors in the Department of […]

Biosciences research picked up by popular magazine

A research collaboration between Biosciences faculty member Brian Wisenden and NDSU faculty member Craig Stockwell resulted in a peer-reviewed publication in the academic British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society in August 2022. That article has now been picked up by the poplar magazine Science News, based in Washington DC.

Brian Wisenden publishes research in British scientific journal

Brian Wisenden, and Craig Stockwell, NDSU professor in the biological sciences department and director of the environmental and conservation sciences graduate program director, have published a research paper in the prestigious scientific journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society B. “Ignorance is not bliss: evolutionary naiveté in an endangered desert fish and implications for conservation” was published Aug. 17. “Many of […]

Sumali’s manuscript on Immunological terms “Antigen and Immunogen” published in ImmunoHorizons.

Sumali Pandey (Biosciences Department, College of Science, Health and the Environment) learned that her manuscript, “Antigen and Immunogen: An Investigation into the Heterogeneity of Immunology Terminology in Learning Resources” has been published in the immunology education section of the ImmunoHorizons. This work is a product of several national and international faculty collaborators associated with an NSF-funded Research Coordination Network called […]