Dr. Pandey publishes a classroom intervention for forming content-focused student groups

A newly published study in the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education introduces a novel icebreaker activity designed to enhance student engagement and collaboration in life science classrooms. The article, titled “A Group-Forming Course Content-Focused Icebreaker for Life Science Classrooms” (DOI: 10.1128/jmbe.00173-24), presents a structured approach to group formation that integrates course content from the very first class session. The […]

Biology student receives national award for immunology research

Did you know that male and female systems respond differently to the same virus? That’s part of biology student Hadiya Farrahmand’s research at MSU Moorhead.    At a national gathering of over 6,000 undergraduate and graduate science students – the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS), Hadiya won an award from the Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists […]

MSUM Faculty Lead Efforts to Transform Undergraduate Immunology Education

Immune literacy has garnered significant attention in recent years due to the growing threat of emerging infectious diseases. Despite the rapid pace of immunological discoveries and their societal relevance, coordinated educational efforts have been notably rare. In 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Dr. Sumali Pandey from the Biosciences Department at MSUM initiated a project to unify immunology education […]

MSUM Life Science Education alumnus wins Science Teacher of the Year

On Friday, November 1, Richard Lahti (Chemistry & Biochemistry) and MSUM Life Science Education Alumnus Jake Pundsack co-presented “Go on a date with data! Bringing out the relationship between computational modeling and data science in a secondary biology classroom” at the Minnesota Science Teacher Association Conference on Science Education.   During the opening ceremony, Jake was also named the secondary […]