MSUM Life Science Education alumnus wins Science Teacher of the Year

On Friday, November 1, Richard Lahti (Chemistry & Biochemistry) and MSUM Life Science Education Alumnus Jake Pundsack co-presented “Go on a date with data! Bringing out the relationship between computational modeling and data science in a secondary biology classroom” at the Minnesota Science Teacher Association Conference on Science Education.   During the opening ceremony, Jake was also named the secondary […]

Biology alum featured in story about monarch butterflies

Patrice Delaney, an ecology and evolutionary biology graduate who also earned a certificate in scientific illustration, was featured in a recent story about monarch butterflies migrating through our region. She is a project manager and biologist at United Prairie Foundation and was the inspiration and creator of the hummingbird sculpture garden on campus. By Kjersti Maday, Inforum FARGO — Right now, […]

Mazz Marry & Jitendra Singh among 36 higher education leaders chosen for AASCU’s Department Chair Institute

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) has selected 36 higher education professionals for the second cohort of its Department Chair Leadership Institute (DCLI), a program designed to address the unique needs of department chairs at state colleges and universities. Among the members are Minnesota State University Moorhead chairs Mazz Marry, chair of the Biosciences Department, and Jitendra Singh, co-chair […]

Oceanarium Team present results from advancement of Ocean Literacy at College for Kids

MSUM Biosciences undergraduates Kathryn Hanson and Amber Sullivan, and Oceanarium Facility Coordinator Phil Larson hosted three sessions of Junior Aquarists Camp for Kids (JACK) to youth aged 9-14 at the College for Kids program this summer, organized by Sean Brandenburg. In JACK, they taught the principles of Ocean Literacy and then assessed the learning outcomes from program participants. These results […]