There may be times when you’re concerned about a student in your class or an advisee, you’re bothered by a roommate acting differently, or you’re unsure about a student’s behavior. If you are concerned about a student’s wellbeing, but you’re unsure of what to do: contact the campus CARE Team. Some specific reasons (but not all of them) include: suicide […]

MSUM Excels at Advising Experience

By Danielle Rebel At MSUM, advising is more than a requirement to receive registration access codes. The university strives to make every student heard, provide support for all aspects of college life, and empower students to reach their lifelong goals. Spring 2017 semester advising begins Monday, Oct. 3. 

Farewell Reception for Amy Sannes

Monday, May 9 | 3-4:30 p.m. | MacLean 268 Amy Sannes, Academic Support Center, has accepted a position at Arizona State University and will be leaving MSUM in mid-May. Please join us for a farewell party to congratulate Amy and say thanks for her years at MSUM. Monday, May 9, 3-4:30 p.m. MacLean 268 Cake and coffee will be served. Drop […]