Advising & Registration | WEEKLY WEDNESDAYS

It is vital to get advised, so you can register for next semester’s classes. As a reminder, advising for Spring began September 23. Don’t know who your advisor is? Check eServices or contact the Academic Success Center. Take 15 to Finish! Graduate on time by taking at least 15 credits per semester. Doing so reduces student loan debt and helps […]

Addressing the Equity Gap: Survey sheds light on Native American student experiences

Dr. Caitlin Johnson, an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Minnesota State University Moorhead, recently reflected on how she is viewed: “As a Native American woman with a Ph.D., I’ve been called a unicorn. I don’t think people look deeper into the reasons why we are so rare,” she said. In 2020 at MSU Moorhead, 57% of Native American first-year […]

Kayla Jones featured panelist for “The Pulse of Workplace Evolution: Generations in Sync”

Kayla Jones of the MSUM Academic Success Center will be a featured panelist for the September 17th “Generations in Sync” panel, sponsored by The Chamber as part of their series, “The Pulse of Workplace Evolution.” Event Description: In today’s diverse and dynamic workforce, understanding different generations’ unique perspectives and challenges is necessary for collaboration, innovation, and productivity. During this event, […]

Spring 2024 MSUM Advising Experiences Survey Reports

The Academic Advising Committee is pleased to release the results of the Spring 2024 MSUM Advising Experiences Survey. Key findings are detailed in the Undergraduate and Graduate student reports regarding availability, knowledge, and expertise of advisors; relational aspects of advising; frequency of advising topics; students’ advising behaviors and knowledge; experiences navigating multiple majors; and overall satisfaction with advising. Based on […]