Ever wonder what archaeologists uncover during their excavations? Come see what we’ve dug up!

MSUM Archaeology Lab Open House Saturday, December 6th 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MSUM King Hall 120 Join us as we begin cleaning artifacts uncovered during November excavations at the Historic Comstock House in Moorhead. Stop by for hot cocoa or cider and the chance to learn about local archaeology and how artifacts are processed and studied. Cleaning artifacts is […]

Rinita Dalan, Anthropology and Earth Science, contributed an article to the 2014 Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology

Rinita Dalan, Anthropology and Earth Science, contributed an article on the “Magnetic Susceptibility of Soils and Sediments in Environmental Archaeology” to the 2014 Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. This comprehensive (11-volume) encyclopedia, edited by Claire Smith, and published by Springer Science+Business Media, New York, has an international and interdisciplinary focus and is available as both a print and online reference.