Updated Faculty Development Web page

Check out the 2009-2010 Faculty Development web page at http://www.mnstate.edu/faculty/ It contains a variety of resources to support your teaching. Also, we have a site license for The Teaching and Learning Forum, which is the best publication about teaching and learning in higher education.

APAC meeting Nov. 3

The Academic Policy Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, November 3 at 3:00 p.m. in Owens 201. Some items on the agenda include new courses and program proposals for Corrick Center for General Education and the School of Teaching. For the full agenda, go to http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/2009-2010APAC/apacagendasminutes.htm

Presenters needed for Expanding Your Horizons Conference

Every year, MSUM participates with NDSU in the Expanding Your Horizons Conference for 7th-9th grade girls. This year’s conference is on Saturday, April 10th, 2010, and we are looking for volunteers to present workshops for this wonderful cause! Would you be willing to donate your time to provide workshop participants with an interactive, hands-on look at a career in your field? Even if your career doesn’t directly involve math and science, you probably needed those courses to pursue your own career path. Click the headline to read more.

Next faculty book talk Nov. 11

Mark your calendars for the the next faculty development book talk on “A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future.” Daniel Pink’s New York Times and Business Week Bestseller is sure to create a lively discussion for students and faculty alike. Join us on 11-11-09 at 12:00 in CMU 227. Chris Malone from the Psychology Department and Alison Turen from the Counseling Center will lead the discussion. Free books as always–email Steve Grineski and agree to attend the event.

APAC Minutes Approved

I have approved the recommendations of the Academic Policy Advisory Council as reported in the APAC minutes of September 15, 2009. The Deans’ Council has reviewed the recommendations and the MSUM FA waived its right to meet and confer on all items. [10/15/09 meeting]. — Edna Mora Szymanski