University Physics Competition was top performing team from the U.S.

MSUM’s University Physics Competition team earned MSUM a bronze medal, and was the top preforming team from the U.S. for the problem they selected, notably defeating NDSU, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Upperclassmen Meredith McLinn, Pragalav Karki and Shouvik Bhattacharya modeled the effect an Earth-like planet’s mass has on its volcanic activity. To learn […]

Student Academic Conference application is now open

Students: If you have completed outstanding work on research, a class project, or a creative work please consider presenting at the 15th annual Student Academic Conference. After meeting with your mentor, professor, or advisor, go to, read the information, and fill out the application. Three important dates to remember when applying. 1.  If you are a student this semester […]

Ashish Gupta presents healthcare research at Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting

Ashish Gupta, School of Business, recently presented his research titled ‘Understanding Care Delivery in Intensive Care Units’ at the 43rd Annual meeting of Decision Sciences Institute in San Francisco. Care delivery in Intensive Care Units (ICU) is complex, chaotic and team based. The research describes various aspects of care delivery in medical ICUs, workflow, healthcare Information Technology usage and associated challenges. […]