Distinguished Dragon David Stowman ’66 to visit campus March 17

Meet our Distinguished Dragon, David Stowman ’66. He is one of the MSUM Foundation’s 2025 Distinguished Alumni Awardees.

Stowman will retire this spring after over 50 years as an attorney at his law practice on the shores of Detroit Lakes, Minn. He has served as the president of the Minnesota Bar Association, the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association, and the Minnesota State Board of Public Defense, in addition to working with the founders of Legal Services of Northwest Minnesota.

“Providing legal services for the poor is a thread through the fabric of my professional career,” he says. “It’s part of our professional obligation.”

As a psychology and biology alum, he had a mix of experiences at MSUM that prepared him for his career.

“One of the most important skills you can have is being a good listener. At MSUM, I developed critical thinking, analytical, public speaking and communication skills.”

Read the full story on MSUM’s story site.

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