Healing Warriors: Our Stories
Wednesday, Nov. 7 | 7:30 p.m. | MSUM Gaede Stage
For veterans who have experienced horrific trauma, personal tragedy or moral injury during their time spent in service to our country, re-integrating into daily life can be challenging. It is the belief of many that veterans sharing their real, lived experiences is a vital part of re-integrating back into one’s community. Unfortunately, those who have never served often have great difficulty understanding and supporting those who have.Join us as we build a bridge between our veterans and our community, in all its diversity, to truly listen and begin the process of understanding and healing. This event will provide an opportunity for veterans to share their stories through visual art forms, written word and oral storytelling, and for non-veterans to learn from them.
This event is recommended for mature audiences.
The event is sponsored by Minnesota State University Moorhead, Minnesota Remembers Vietnam, Fargo Department of Veterans Affairs and Warrior Words.