Moorhead ADA Transition Plan survey
The Moorhead ADA Transition Plan committee is doing a survey to determine the accessibility needs of public streets and sidewalks in Moorhead. Greg Toutges, director of MSUM Accessibility Resources, serves on the committee.
You do not need to be a resident of Moorhead to complete this survey, nor do you need to be a person with a disability. The committee is looking at accessibility issues you may encounter on any public sidewalk, street, intersection or trail in Moorhead, not just those around MSUM. This is not a survey of ADA issues on our campus per se, but rather accessibility issues you encounter when driving to campus or walking on sidewalks in the community, etc.
Your input is appreciated as we continue to make Moorhead a welcoming community for all.
A survey and Wikimap will allow you to place location pins on a map and voice your opinion. Your input is valued. Thank you for your participation.
The purpose of the Moorhead ADA Transition Plan is to research, evaluate and document the City’s pedestrian facilities, policies and procedures that relate to the City’s public right of way. The City’s intersections, sidewalks, trails, parking lots, pedestrian crossings and transit stop facilities will be evaluated.
An important element of this project is to hear from the public about existing barriers to accessibility. Learn more.