Get your flu vaccine — no appointment necessary

Hey Dragons, our stock of flu vaccine has arrived and we are all ready to get this vaccine to you conveniently and effectively!

Remember, Flu shots are very important to prepare you for a Minnesota Winter! WHY?!
Flu season in Minnesota is almost here.
You are not just protecting yourself but others as well.
Getting vaccinated any time this fall will help protect you throughout the flu season.
CDC now recommends EVERYONE over the age of 6 months get a yearly flu shot.
Have asthma, diabetes other lung disease, or any other chronic illness? Then you have twice the reason to get this done!!

Walk-in (no appointment needed) will be held on October 15th and 16th from 10-2 at Hendrix Clinic and Counseling Center. (Right one campus!)

Remember to bring your insurance card. This vaccination is covered by most insurance plans!