MSUM’s Equity by Design web page is live
MSUM’s Equity by Design web page is live. It is linked from the Accreditation & Compliance and Diversity Events & Initiatives web pages.
Equity by Design (EBD) is a university-wide effort to close achievement gaps and ensure all students, regardless of background, have the support they need to succeed. This initiative aligns with Minnesota State’s Equity 2030 vision and is a priority at MSUM to achieve equitable educational outcomes for all students. EBD will guide our work at the college, department, and program levels—helping us build a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Projects: Of special interest are the Projects planned for each college during Spring 2025. The project list will grow as this important work is embedded in wider teaching.
EBD Team: Explore the website and engage in this important work. If you have questions, please contact any EBD team member as noted on the web page.