Spring 2025 Advisor Certification Program

Advisor Certification

The Advisor Certification Program is a training for faculty and staff used to develop individual advising skills and competencies.  It is open to new and experienced advisors who wish to further their knowledge of advising. Session topics include advising methods and curriculum, navigating advising relationships and conversations, referring students for additional support, prescriptive advising components (LASC, DARs, policies), advising special populations of students, student resources at MSUM, and assessing advising.

 Spring 2025 Program

The Spring Advisor Certification will meet for eight, 1.5 hour sessions beginning in late January. Participants are encouraged to join in person; a Zoom link will be made available for those who must attend remotely. If you are interested in participating in the Advisor Certification Program in Spring 2025, please sign up by December 5th. Dates and times for the program will be determined at the end of the fall semester and will be based on the availability of those who sign up.

If you have questions about the program, please email Loren Baranko Faught (loren.baranko@mnstate.edu).

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