Take survey on college-level bullying

MSUM’s IRB has APPROVED NDSU doctoral student Allen Irish-Zabolotny’s request to reach out to MSUM students to complete a survey about college-level bullying. Please visit the survey link.


My name is Allen Irish-Zabolotny, and I am a doctoral student in the Counselor Education and Supervision program at North Dakota State University. Dr. Jodi Tangen (Principal investigator) and I are conducting a research study to understand college-level bullying. This research is being conducted to fulfill the requirements of my Dissertation and PhD degree.

The research is regarding behaviors and actions associated with bullying. You will be asked about behaviors as a college student. You will also be asked questions regarding symptoms associated with depression which you may or may not have experienced in the last two weeks.

All registered college students from NDSU, Concordia College, and Minnesota State University Moorhead are eligible to participate in the study. The results of this study will provide knowledge regarding bullying experiences beyond high school, effects bullying may have on the college population and provide data to evaluate if change has occurred over time regarding bullying experiences.

This survey can be completed at your convenience and will take no more than 15 minutes to complete. 

IRB approval has been obtained from each institute of higher education (Concordia, MSUM, & NDSU) with the research originating from NDSU (#IRB0005182).

Your participation is entirely voluntary. Those who complete the survey may register for one of the following Amazon gift cards drawings: $50(1), $25(2), or $20(5). Only completed surveys will be eligible for participation in the drawing for the Amazon gift cards.

If you wish to participate in this survey style research on college bullying, please visit the survey link.

With my sincere appreciation,

Allen Irish-Zabolotny
NDSU Doctoral Candidate

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