Professor and graduate present invited talk at AAPT/PhysTEC conference

Professor Steve Lindaas, Dept of Physics and Astronomy, and Isaac Skalsky, MSUM alum, gave an invited talk at the Physic Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) and American Association of Physics Teachers(AAPT) joint summer conference.  Their talk “Supporting Teachers to Work in High Needs Communities” highlighted methods to create communities of teachers. Belonging to a support community positively impacts teacher persistence and success. Skalsky was a Noyce scholar while at MSUM and Lindaas was a co-PI on the Noyce grant which provided the financial and organizational support needed to initiate creating different support communities. Lindaas currently serves on the AAPT Apparatus Committee having served on and been chair of multiple other AAPT organizing committees.  He is also active on the sub-committee working on updating the AAPT Recommendations for the Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Curriculum.  If you are interested in learning more about creating a teacher support community contact Steve Lindaas for more information: