Employee News
President Downs Signs a ESGR Statement of Support

President Downs Signs a ESGR Statement of Support

On Friday, Aug. 9, MSUM President Tim Downs signed the Minnesota Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Statement of Support. Retired U.S. Air Force MSgt Lois Robinson, MN ESGR Region 1 Chair, presented to members of the President’s Cabinet and MSUM’s Veterans Service Committee. ESGR programs promote a better understanding of the unique challenges faced by military personnel, helping to create a supportive work environment that values and respects the contributions of veterans and reservists. By signing the Statement of Support, MSUM demonstrates its commitment to supporting and employing military personnel and sets an example for other organizations to follow.

President Downs says, “It’s important to give back to the people that have served or are serving. There must be up-front communication to get all logistics squared away so when a service member gets their orders, they don’t have to feel guilty or that they aren’t doing their job, they’re living in two worlds. When they get back, we can reposition ourselves collectively and move forward. That is the success I see happening here”   

Employers signing a statement of support pledge that: 

  1. We fully recognize, honor, and comply with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. 
  2. We will provide our managers and supervisors with the tools they need to effectively manage employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve. 
  3. We appreciate the values, leadership, and unique skills Service members bring to the workforce and will encourage opportunities to hire Guardsmen, Reservists, and Veterans. 
  4. We will continually recognize and support our country’s Service members and their families, in peace, in crises, and in war. 

“As our service members are sacrificing while they’re deployed or doing their service, oftentimes their civilian employer is also sacrificing because the service member is gone and there are holes to fill. So, it’s been great to see the additional communication that ESGR facilitates by bringing together National Guard and Reserve units with their members employers to recognize the needs and the sacrifices that happen for both” Veterans Outreach Director, Josh Clarke expressed how ESGR helps both the member serving and employers.

This presentation helps fulfill MSUM’s Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Action Plan.