Dr. Caitlin Johnson presents at the Communities Collaborative Brain Development Conference

Dr. Caitlin Johnson (Dr. J.), Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership with the Department of Leadership & Learning presented a keynote and breakout session at the Communities Collaborative Brain Development Conference in White Earth.

Dr. J. presented a keynote address titled, Finding the Balance to help us achieve Minobimaadiziwin (“The Good Life”), which centered on sharing how practitioners can use the medicine wheel as a tool to examine health and wellness to decolonize when we look at student development.  She also co-presented a breakout session with her son Sage in the afternoon at the conference titled, Intersectionality: Native American Cultural Identity and ASD.  This session centered on sharing their personal journey as an indigenous family affected by autism and how to better support students on the spectrum in Indian Country.

The keynote and breakout sessions were offered on the last day of the conference on August 15, 2024.

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