Bookstore Inclusive Access Email & Customer Portal Information

Hello Dragons!

You might have noticed an email come to your student email address welcoming you to the Bookstore Customer Portal for Inclusive Access. The Campus and Bookstore have partnered together to provide all students enrolled in certain courses their material by class start.

Please check your student email and complete the Activate Account & Set Password Here for the Customer Portal. This is also where you would log into to Opt-Out of the material, if you would like to purchase the material from an alternative source.

Your instructor can help you get the digital material set up for your course once class starts. The cost of the material is built into the cost of the course. If you opt out before August 30th, you will NOT have those charges added to your student account.

For any classes that are not part of the Inclusive Access, you can visit the Bookstore website and place your orders online for FREE in-store pickup or have it shipped to you.

Bookstore Website

Please note that any 3rd parties that you might have to pay for the cost of course materials (books) would be set up under your Dragon ID. If you tried your Dragon ID and it will not proceed, that means you do not have a 3rd party paying for your course materials.

All students are issued a line of credit through their Student Billing Account to charge course materials, just like years past. You must use your Star ID at check out (in-store or online) to charge to the account. This will close for online purchases August 27th at 11:00 PM and for in-store purchases August 28th end of day. Those charges will be added to your student bill with the campus and your financial aid will be applied to those charges before the overage checks are disbursed.

Please reach out to the Bookstore or Business Office with any questions.

We want to thank you for allowing us to be part of your academic journey and we look forward to seeing you succeed!

The Bookstore Team

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