Fall Adoption Information & Tool

My name is Helen Hansen and I am the new course material market manager for the MSUM campus bookstore.
I wanted to share some information about a new system being offered to your campus to submit your course materials. The system is called Follett Discover Adopt and it is a platform to find books, supplies, or open education resources which are available to adopt into your assigned courses.
Each instructor who is listed as the primary or main educator will automatically receive an introductory message for their ‘Instructor Follett Discover Adopt’ account. Once signed into the account all of the instructor’s assigned courses will display on the course dashboard so materials can be adopted into the courses.
As the materials are submitted, they will flow into the Follett textbook system and flow into the ‘New Course Adoption’ queue for me to review and mark as completed. Then, the course material lists will flow into the course material description webpages on the campus/bookstore websites for students to view and/or purchase.
If there are administrative or teaching assistants who have the responsibility of submitting the course materials on behalf of an instructor, a ‘Concierge’ account can be created so they have access to enter the course materials. The assistants just need to contact me with a list of the departments their instructors teach from so I can connect those departments to the account. After I create the account, an activation link is sent to the assistants and once activated they can start adopting materials into the courses.
Attached is a user guide I created to help instructors log into their instructor accounts and to navigate the system.
There will also be a Follett hosted webinar on June 25th to review the different features in Follett Discover Adopt.
Here is the official announcement from the Follett Product Team:
On June 25th, the Academic Tools product team, with special guests, will be hosting a webinar for campus decision makers, faculty, and other Follett employees to review new features with the Follett Discover Adoption tool. Product review, submission options, new features and a walk-through of our research-driven product approach.
**Just a note that this is not a formal training session on the tool – but faculty are also welcome to attend to get a preview!
The webinar can hold a few thousand attendees, and generally only 200 or so show up… so we have room to promote and spread the word.
All are welcome to attend to receive a live preview of the Follett Discover Adopt system.
I do work remotely from the campus, but if you have any questions or concerns related to your course materials, please feel free to contact me.
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