Spring TTRPG One-Shots This Saturday!
Join D&D Adventurer’s Guild this Saturday, April 13th, 2024 in the CMU Ballroom for free food, TTRPG one-shots, our costume contest, and dice stacking competition at this year’s Spring One-Shot event!
Event Schedule: Doors open at 12pm (Noon) with most games beginning at 12:30pm in rolling fashion as players find their desired table. One-shots will begin as table maximums are met and filled on a first come basis. Costume contest & dice stacking at 4pm.
What’s a One-shot? For folks less familiar with TTRPGs (tabletop roleplaying games), a one-shot is a story designed to be played and completed in a single session. We help our game facilitators to provide everything you’ll need to play such as dice, character sheets, etc. as applicable, so don’t worry about needing anything! No experience needed!
What’s Being Played? Despite our name, our organization supports all TTRPG systems. At this event, there are game facilitators running games involving the themes of mystery in the following systems: D&D 5th Edition & Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast. If neither of those interest you or you’re arriving late, we will have board games, card games, and GM-less TTRPGs (game systems that do not require a game facilitator) including one-player games available at our check-in desk!
Costume Contest & Dice Stacking Competition: Not able to make it to play a one-shot? Join us at 4pm for our end of festivities costume contest and dice stacking competitions – each with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize for students competing!
Find costume guidelines, RSVP, and more on DragonCentral!
Questions? Contact Jayce Branden (he/him) at jayce.branden@mnstate.edu, stop by the Student Union Admin Office (CMU 222), or connect with us on our Discord.