Ryan Nelson named to Cass Clay Threat Assessment Threat Management Team
Director of Public Safety Ryan Nelson has been selected to participate in the Cass Clay Threat Assessment Threat Management Team. Cass County Sheriff Jesse Jahner created the task force to help prevent acts of violence after an investigation revealed that a gunman who killed an officer last year likely planned a mass shooting.

Representatives include law enforcement, members of the court system, social services, mental health experts, education, and human resources. They will meet and share information with each other about potential threats and individuals they feel may benefit from services, Jahner said.
Nelson will participate as a community partner; MSUM is not part of the official memorandum of understanding.
“This is a great opportunity for MSUM to collaborate as a community partner to prevent acts of violence within our communities. This team will benefit our entire region, including MSUM,” Nelson said. “By MSUM participating on this team, we will be able to collaborate with leading experts to discover new tools, methods, and resources to identify, assess, and manage situations where the risk of violence is imminent or anticipated.”
Nelson is honored to participate in this important community-wide effort. He says he’s thankful to all the local, state and federal law enforcement and community partners for collaborating to provide a safe community to the entire region.
Read and watch the news conference about New Cass Clay threat task force hoping to prevent violence, connect those who need help to services.