Racial Equity in Higher Education Discussion at Concordia College

Racial Equity in Higher Education 2023

What does a more racially just higher education system in Minnesota look like? This discussion is open to students, staff, and community members.

Presented by MnEEP & Concordia College: A conversation and convening for advancing:


What needs to change right now at the state or institutional level to remove barriers to college access and completion for Minnesota’s students of color & Indigenous students (POCI)?


How can Minnesota’s colleges and higher-ed institutions center belonging and inclusiveness for POCI students?

What must they do now to support the unique needs, desires, histories, and talents of Minnesota’s current and prospective higher-ed POCI students on campus and in their learning journey?

Narrative Shift 

What critical conversations and changes within ourselves, our institutions, and our communities need to happen now to build more racially just campuses?

  • WHEN: March 13; noon-2 p.m.
  • WHERE: Concordia College;  Centrum Room
  • Lunch provided


    Register now, as space is limited! RSVP by Wednesday, March 8
