All Things Homecoming Court to Royalty

Congratulations to the Court!
Those listed below were nominated, interviewed, and selected to represent MSUM on the 2020 Homecoming Court! Read why they were nominated and cast your vote for who you think should be crowned Homecoming Royalty.
Alex Seigel Junior | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Here is what Alex’s nominator said: Alex is a model MSUM student! He is an advocate for his peers as a student specialist in the Academic Support Center, is a Dragon Mentor, and has been involved in Student Government and in many other student organizations.
Abbey Linstad Senior | Communication Studies
Here is what Abbey’s nominator said: Abbey is a wonderful person, who is committed to both the Colleges Against Cancer student org as well as the well being of the entire campus and everyone on it!
Jake Pundsack Junior | Life Science Education & Biology
Here is what Jake’s nominator said: Jake portrays qualities of an inclusive, passionate leader. He leads by example and humility. He demonstrates all great qualities of being a dragon.
Laura Squires Senior | Project Management & Accounting
Here is what Laura’s nominator said: Laura is very involved on campus. She is the President of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, President of Project Management Club, a member of DECA, Accounting Club, and FMA. She shows her dragon pride by going to sporting events, participating in events hosted by Dragon Entertainment group, and being on campus often. I think she would represent MSUM excellently as a nomination for Homecoming Royalty.
Michael McLellan Senior | Entertainment Industries & Technology
Here is what Michael’s nominator said: Michael is the financial chair of our organization and has taken the lead in helping set up our COVID planning. He’s always on time, helping new students, and sharing ideas.
Madisen Anderson Senior | Integrated Advertising and Public Relations
Here is what Madisen’s nominator said: Madisen works very hard for MSUM. She is in several organizations on campus and always gives 1000% of herself to help the students have a fun and memorable college experience at this school. She embodies the dragon spirit through and through!
Sam Schroeder Senior | English Emphasis on Publishing
Here is what Sam’s nominator said: Sam is and always has been someone with a lot of heart for the community he is a part of. He has been a great leader for both Cru and Kappa Sigma and has put his heart into these organizations.
ReBecca McGuire Senior | Criminal Justice
Here is what ReBecca’s nominator said: Becca is on her second year as an RA for the Rainbow Dragon Community. Becca is one of those people who come into your life with nothing but kindness. I believe she has helped so many different dragons as an RA and student. She is truly the mother of dragons you could say. I can’t think of anyone else who deserves it more.
Jensen Bloom Junior | Speech Language Hearing Sciences
Here is what Jensen’s nominator said: Jensen Bloom, a current Junior at MSU Moorhead, is actively involved at MSUM as an academically high-achieving student, a student athlete, a Dragon Ambassador, as well as being a part of student organizations on campus. She displays our core values of grit, humility, and heart on a daily basis through her variety of positions and roles on campus. Jensen is well known by her fellow students, as well as numerous faculty and staff, and I believe she would humbly and wholeheartedly represent MSUM as Homecoming Royalty.
Now that I know who is on court, how do I vote?
Voting is live Tuesday, Sept. 29 through Friday, Oct. 2 at 3 pm. Click here to cast your vote!
Why Royalty and not King & Queen?
Below is an abridged version of an article that was published in 2018. To view the article in its entirety, click here.
We interviewed Emily Tiefenthaler, the 2018 Events and Programming Graduate Assistant for the Dragon Entertainment Group to learn more.
“We want to make sure that everyone not only feels a part of Homecoming, but if you are on Royalty, that we’re not discriminating and we’re still giving you the chance to identify however you want. We’re not narrowing down to a king or queen, if that’s not what you identify as,” said Tiefenthaler.
During the week of Homecoming, Dragons get to vote for two members of the court. Rather than crowning the highest vote-getting male and female candidate, the two members of the court who receive the most votes will be crowned, regardless of gender identity or expression. In the interview process, the Dragon Entertainment Group asks royalty candidates if they prefer a crown or tiara so they can receive whichever they’d prefer. This allows MSUM to respect each candidate’s identity and allows them to stay true to themselves as they represent MSUM.
“We accept you however you are and value the involvement, commitment and dedication that student leaders provide,” said Tiefenthaler.