Dragons Care Plan Update: August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Dear MSUM Students,
We are eager to welcome you to campus in a couple of weeks. We are continuing to work on course schedule updates and expect that work to be finalized next week. We ask for your continued patience as we navigate this unusual time in MSUM’s history.
Fall classes will be offered in these delivery methods:
Face-to-Face – In-person on campus
Hybrid – Combination of face-to-face and online delivery
Asynchronous Online – Does not meet at a specific time and there is no live component
Synchronous Online – Meets virtually at a scheduled time with a live instructor and classmate interaction
As of August 11, 2020, the course delivery breakdown for fall semester is:
* 30% in person
* 20% hybrid with both in-person and online components
* 50% completely online
If the class delivery method changes for any reason, you’ll receive an email to check your eServices account.
Fees for Classes
MSUM is charging fees based on the original course delivery method that was in the course schedule when fall semester registration began April 6, 2020. Face-to-face and blended/hybrid courses have student fees applied. Completely online courses have online differential tuition applied. A course is never assessed both fees. MSUM has not added any additional fees due to COVID-19.
Below are screenshots from eServices to help you understand how to find course delivery in your account.
A Schedule in eServices

Face-to-Face shows the days and time of the class

Hybrid – Click course Title for class details and notes

Synchronous or Asynchronous? If Delivery Method is Remote Teaching No In-Person, click course Title to see if it’s Synchronous or Asynchronous and any other course details.

Remember to check back frequently at the Dragons Care website for updates related to classes, housing, activities, and more.
Send your questions to DragonsCare@mnstate.edu.
Dr. Brenda Amenson-Hill
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Dr. Kara Gravley-Stack
Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator
Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management