Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Arrick Jackson

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Arrick Jackson

You’ve probably already seen MSUM’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Arrick Jackson around campus. He looks forward to continuing to work with faculty and leaders around campus to ensure a successful experience for the students at MSUM!

Start date: July 1, 2019 (It takes time to coordinate with such an engaged person on campus!)

Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: The size of the university. The leadership at MSUM, especially President Anne and her leadership style. The students, of course, and the various programs that are here. Those things all fit my personality and work style so they are what really attracted me to MSUM.

Q: What is one thing that surprised you about MSUM?
A: I am excited to work with the faculty groups and leadership team. It actually came as no surprise that they were a great leadership team and team members. It is just very nice to have.

Q: What unique experience or skills from your last job do you bring to MSUM?
A: The variety of different universities and systems I’ve worked with. I think those have been very helpful for me as I transition into this role. My organization skills and grant writing skills have also been helpful as we move through these grants and equipment purchases. Also, as President Anne would say, my ‘charming personality.’

Q: What energizes you at work?
A: Knowing that graduation is coming. That is a true success point for students. It is really bringing together all the things we do here at the university. When a student walks across the stage we feel really proud that we have done something successful here.

Q: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
A: The ability to speak multiple languages so I can communicate with anybody and everybody!

Welcome to the #DragonFamily, Dr. Jackson. We are happy you chose MSUM!