Legacy Flame Award winner announced
The School of Teaching and Learning and the School of Art awarded its inaugural Legacy Flame Award to Sharon Eide, the Elementary Visual Arts Coordinator at Fargo Public Schools. The award is given to an Art Educator who has left a lasting legacy on the visual arts teaching profession through mentoring and leadership. A career educator is recognized for being unselfish in the giving of their time, expertise and advice while preparing undergraduate teaching candidates from MSUM through observations, practicum placements, and student teaching. This educator will have shown a distinction in leadership and community activity as well as their on-going collaboration with both the School of Teaching and Learning and the School of Art.
Sharon Eide has spent her career as a tireless art advocate for children and the role of the arts in their education. Sharon is a terrific and unwavering partner in working with MSUM’s teaching candidates as well as mentoring new teachers over the span of her career. She is a dedicated, unselfish role model and community leader, who has had an enduring impact on the field of Art Education. The award was bestowed on Friday, Jan. 31 at the 6th Annual Art-A-Fair event.