Participate in the Minnesota State Employees’ Combined Charities Campaign

This month, join us as we seek to have more employee participation than any other university of Minnesota State for Combined Charities. From now until Oct. 31, sign up for payroll deduction and transform lives by giving to your favorite charities.

Because of generous employees like you, MSUM has won the title of most charitable institution for the past two years! Let’s continue to show others how MSUM employees make a difference in our communities.

Sign up for payroll deduction and donate to the cause that matters most to you––environment, education, women’s issues, breaking the cycle of poverty, and much more.

To see your dollars impact our Fargo-Moorhead community, here are some great options for local charities to donate to:

  • United Way of Cass Clay
  • Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless
  • PeaceMaker Minnesota
  • Community Health Charities… and many more

To donate, please follow the instructions below:

Visit Self-Service Website. MN Self Service Site

  1. Click on “Other Payroll.”
  2. Click on Charitable Deductions.
  3. Click on Charitable Deductions again (If you pledged last year, you’ll see a summary of those results).
  4. Click on Add Deduction.
  5. Click the magnifying glass in the Type of Deduction field to select your charity.
  6. Enter the amount you’d like deducted each pay period.
  7. Accept the default deduction start and stop dates.
  8. Click on save and your deduction will be confirmed.
  9. Click on OK

Check donations may be dropped off in the Human Resources Office, however, we highly encourage online donations to help count towards our MSUM participation goal!