MSUM Physics & Astronomy Series: Isobel Snellenberger, Madelyn Madsen & Dr. Matthew Craig

Friday, Oct. 25 | 3-3:50 p.m. | Hagen 325

MSUM Physics & Astronomy Seminar Series Presents: Python pipeline to simultaneously extract exoplanet and variable star data from TESS ground-based follow-up observations

Students: Isobel Snellenberger and Madelyn Madsen
Faculty: Dr. Matthew Craig

As part of continuing from preparation for collecting data as part of the TESS ground-based follow-up network, we have been developing software using Python to produce the data products needed for a TESS submission. We are now able to produce a photometry measurement table, a light curve, a seeing profile and a field image with apertures with the software we have written. A new feature is the ability to generate a table reporting variable star observations in the field of a TESS exoplanet to the AAVSO. One goal is to make this software compatible with AstroImageJ, so that the user can, for example, do photometry and generate TESS reports in AstroImageJ but generate AAVSO variable star reports using this software.