Dr. Kramar, students present research at GIS/LIS conference
Dr. David Kramar from the Department of Anthropology and Earth Sciences presented his research entitled “Estimation of Total Above-Ground Biomass at Two Sites Using High Resolution Imagery, Machine Learning, and Non-NIR Vegetation Indicies” and the 29th Annual Mn GIS/LIS Conference in St. Cloud, Minn. Four students from MSUM also attended the conference: Asami Minei, Yoko (George) Kosugi, Christine Lidenberg (Anthropology and Earth Sciences), and Casey Coombs (Biosciences). Yoko Kosugi presented his paper “Using GIS and Machine Learning to Recognize Subtle Landscape Features Associated with Glacial Lake Agassiz” and Asami Minei presented her poster entitled “Classification and Calculation of Non-NIR Indices from High Resolution UAS Imagery at the Regional Science Center.”