Dr. Kramar, Minei present at national conference

Dr. David Kramar and undergraduate Geosciences student Asami Minei attended the 2019 National Conference of the American Association of Geographers in Washington D.C. from April 3 – April 7. At the conference, they presented their research entitled “Application of Object-Oriented Classification and Non-NIR Vegetation Indices to Quantify Prairie Restoration Efforts at Two Sites in Western MN.” Co-authored by Dr. Valquiria Quirino and Biosciences student Breanna Huynh, this research sought to expand on work that Dr. Kramar has previously done in regards to non-near infrared vegetation indices at the Regional Science Center. In addition to presenting research, Asami was able to meet with several graduate schools, and Dr. Kramar utilized his time to work on new collaborations with researchers from other universities.