Dorothy Dodds Elementary students study rocks with MSUM professor

Metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary are the three types of rocks that students in the third-grade book club at Dorothy Dodds Elementary School learned about last month from Dr. Russell Colson, a professor in the Anthropology and Earth Science Department at Minnesota State University Moorhead.

The students read “Maybe a Fox” by Kathi Appelt and Allison McGhee for book club. Since the main character in the book collects rocks and many of the students collect rocks, resource strategist Ann Woell extended the learning by inviting Colson to speak. Colson brought in rocks and discussed how the rocks formed. The students also researched and made books about their rocks.

Dr. Russell Colson, a professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead, discusses rocks with students in the third-grade book club at Dorothy Dodds Elementary School. (Credit: Ann Woell)