Vacation Donation Program

Did you know that state employees can now donate up to 40 hours of vacation or personal leave to qualified employees under the Vacation Donation Program? Individuals in this program have life threatening medical conditions or have exhausted their leave balances and are expected to be off work for at least 6 additional weeks. Donations by other state employees are a big help in continuing salaries or in covering unreimbursed medical expenses.

Instead of losing vacation time, why not donate it!

To enter a donation through Employee Self Service:

  1. Go to and sign in with your State ID
  2. Click on “Other Payroll”
  3. Click on “Leave Donations”
  4. Click on “Input Your Leave Donations”
  5. Cick on the small magnifying glass next to the reserve bank field to open a list of names
  6. Click on a name. The name will appear in the donation box.
  7. Enter number of hours to be donated and save.

Thank you for your generous consideration in this matter!