Cowden Named CSTAND 2015 Scholar of the Year

The Communication, Speech and Theater Arts Association (CSTAND) awarded Dr. Kim Cowden, a faculty member in the School of Communication and Journalism, its 2015 Scholar of the Year award. Her article entitled A failure of pandemic proportion: Image restoration and metanarration delivered by the CDC during the H2N2 virus release of 2005, will be published in the 28th volume of the Journal of the Communication, Speech & Theater Association of North Dakota.

Cowden earned her undergraduate degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead and working in advertising and marketing for 15 years before completing her graduate studies at North Dakota State University. She served as an assistant professor for several years at the University of North Dakota before returning to teach at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Her work has also been published in Communication, Culture and Critique, the Journal of Business Communication, and the Journal of Indigenous Research.


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