Tech Talk – Quizzes in D2L: today at 12:05 p.m. via WebEx

*Quiz must be completed before Friday, 3/13 @11:59pm to be eligible for Monster Cookie.

Quizzes and exams are one of many options professors have at their disposal to assess and provide instant feedback to students about their grasp of concepts in a course. Join us to learn more benefits and see if the D2L Quiz tool can help you spend less time “testing” and more time “teaching”.

Think you have the D2L Quiz tool mastered? Take the 10 question quiz inside the Tech Talk D2L course to demonstrate your knowledge! Faculty/Staff who get a perfect score will be honored with a hand delivered Monster Cookie from Dragon Café!*

Additionally: The March 6th Tech Talk titled “Midterm Grades” was recorded and is available for viewing. The session provides steps to display midterm grades to your students on D2L (Weighted and Points gradebook). You will also learn how to display a running grade by releasing the Final Calculated Grade (Points gradebook only).

If you need access to the Tech Talk course email

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