CodeRED phone numbers now recognizable for Cass/Clay residents

CodeRED emergency/non-emergency calls to the residents of Cass and Clay Counties will now come from local phone numbers.

In the past, these important calls had come from numbers with 866 and 855 area codes. The unrecognizable numbers caused some residents to disregard the calls or assume they were coming from telemarketers. “In the interest of public safety, we want CodeRED calls to be immediately recognized by our residents as priority communications.” said Moorhead City Manager Michael Redlinger.

CodeRED calls will now come from the following numbers:

CodeRED emergency: 701-364-CODE (2633)
CodeRED non-emergency: 701-364-1277
CodeRED weather will remain the same, 800-566-9780.
Residents are encouraged to enter these phone numbers into their mobile phones with easy to recognize IDs, such as “CodeRED emergency” and “CodeRED non-emergency,” so they appear prominently when a call arrives.

Residents can sign up for CodeRED online at

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