Happy Birthday CMU!


Today is the Comstock Memorial Union’s 47th Birthday–so of course we’re celebrating! We’ve got delicious cupcakes from MSUM Dining, a giant birthday card and fun decorations at the Info Desk–you should really come check it out!


Part of our decorations include information about our upcoming renovation. Can you believe the project should be completed by the CMU’s 50th birthday (April 24, 2017)?! The architects continue to work on our project and will actually be here next week for our final schematic design meeting. Over the summer, they will continue with a phase called “design detail” and then the project will go out for contracting bids in the fall. We’re so excited for next spring when the renovation will begin!



Even as we are excited about the future, it’s fun to look back on our history to see just how far we’ve come. The student union would be nothing without the students who advocated for the CMU to be built, who have worked in the student union throughout the years, and the students who spend time here each week, giving the building a life of its own.


What we’re trying to say is, without our students, the student union would be just a building. Instead, we’re so much more than that. We’re a home away from home, a place to gather, somewhere to learn, share a meal, make a new friend, and follow your passions. Thank you, students, for helping shape your student union for the last 47 years–here’s to many more!