125 Student Photo Contest

The 125 Student Photo Contest is open to any MSUM student until Dec. 16 when submissions are due. Rules: –       Be creative –       Must include numbers “125” in any way –       Students may use Instagram and make minor edits in Photoshop

Derek Greenfield speaks on campus today

Derek Greenfield Wednesday Nov. 13, 12-1:30 CMU Ballroom Student Power Speaker, professor and author will hold a session specifically designed for students to hone in on student power. Derek Greenfield is an educator and his course “Hip Hop and American Society” was featured in Source Magazine.

TOCAR receives Arc of Justice award

Training our Campuses Against Racism (TOCAR) was a recipient of the Arc of Justice award at the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition Summit held Nov. 9. Dr. Phyllis May-Machunda and Anita Bender were on hand to accept the award on behalf of the multi-campus initiative. The Arc of Justice award is named for a quote made famous by Dr. Martin […]