Six reasons to spend Study Day in the CMU

Need a reason to do more studying than napping on Study Day? Let the CMU give you six reasons.

On Study Day in the CMU:
1. Free Snacks & Coffee
2. Tutoring Sessions (see attached schedule)
3. Reservable Group Study Rooms
4. Quiet Places for Individual Study
5. Yoga Session at 1 p.m.
6. Relaxation Space for Coloring & Drawing

**Plus, check in at the CMU Ballroom to win prizes! And if you check in at the Final Stretch in the Wellness Center 3-5 p.m., you’ll also be eligible for Prize Packages that could include a 1-hour massage, Kindle or other Dragon Swag!**

Throughout Finals:
-Reservable Group Study Rooms (stop by the CMU Office to reserve)
-Drop-in Individual or Group Study Rooms
-Quiet Lounges for Studying

C’mon over and study in the CMU!
