Group or individual study rooms available in the CMU

The student union’s conference rooms are available to students as study space. For the remainder of the spring semester, the student union will take reservations for study space in the conference rooms. Reserving a room is a great way to plan ahead and have a place to get group projects completed. Reservations: -Contact the CMU Administrative Office in person, at […]

MSUM students help two local organizations

Eighteen people die each day waiting for an organ, but just one organ and tissue donor can save up to 60 lives.  MSUM’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is working with two local organizations, Alexa’s Hope and LifeSource, to generate more awareness about organ and tissue donation and to in turn, hopefully get more registered donors. There will be […]

With death of anchor Marv Bossart, ‘an era has ended’

By: Dave Olson, INFORUM FARGO – Marv Bossart, whose broadcast career spanned more than four decades and made him a fixture on TV screens in the Red River Valley, was remembered by family and colleagues Tuesday as a consummate journalist who also knew the importance of a good laugh. Bossart, who died Tuesday at the age of 79, had battled […]