Call for workshop leaders for Expanding Your Horizons

Participate as a workshop leader in the 34th Annual Expanding Your Horizons Conference for 7th-9th grade girls to be held on Saturday, April 6, 2013.

Area women and men volunteer their time to provide a day full of interactive, hands-on presentations that explore the fields of science, math, and engineering. Whether you are a researcher, executive, or professor, we are asking women from area business and colleges to help us show young girls what careers are available to them. Even if your day-to-day responsibilities don’t directly involve math and science, that’s okay. Did you need to take the courses to pursue your career path?

Think about what you do for your job or in your classroom. Is there something you could modify for a hands-on activity that could be done by a group of very enthusiastic 7th-9th grade girls? We need people to lead hands-on workshops for these young girls. With over 600 girls that apply to this program, we need as many presenters as we can get! In years past, we have had to turn girls away due to lack of presenters. We don’t want to do that this year. Become involved in a great mentoring opportunity for 7th-9th grade girls. View past years’ workshops.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete the workshop form by Nov. 21, 2012.

If you would like more information about volunteering, please contact Stacy Voeller at or Lisa McNamara at or 701.231.5376.