Northern Plains Conference group receives grant
The Northern Plains Conference on Aging and Disability through Valley Senior Services in Fargo N.D. received a $10,000 grant from the Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the 2011 conference. The Northern Plains Conference on Aging and Disability is coordinated by a committee of 15 health and social service professionals in the field of aging, including MSUM’s Sue Humphers-Ginther who coordinates the Gerontology Program in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice and who was the primary grant writer, Kathleen McNabb who is the Customized Training Program Coordinator, and Jolene Richardson who is Assistant Director of Continuing Education and Customized Educational Training. The 2011 conference, “Caring for Yourself and Others”, will be held October 4-6 in Fargo and will focus on strategies to balance caregiving and self-care, planning for retirement, and women’s health issues.